
  Before we rack up any frequent flyer miles with our words, we'd love to get to know you, too!! Feel free to shoot a message our way, you can find out how to over in the 'aim' tab! (this is our contact us area:) 

                     (quiet intro of James)


- steele fabricator - 




- poetic author -



We hope to help you, 
even if
it's simply sharing 
our testimony!

    Our journey to healing became a journey of kneeling! Fly with us into the promises of God; where true success and fulfillment are found!

   Together, we can conquer any challenge and become masters of many trades. Never letting the other forget that it is through christ Jesus, alone, that we are able to care for families and Jesus' sacrifice is by whom we practice the authority of victorious living!


God is our possible; in Jesus name!

Images provided by Pexels
learning to appreciate adversity
 && overcoming through His victory!  
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