future-focused friendship
While we label this as a GUYd, we want you to know that you can go personally to God with any and every question, and trust Him to answer you.
However, we are aware of Gods purposes and therefore, we put Him in all that we do. We are working towards becoming a safe place for humans and a holy set apart temporary temple for the Lord of Lords, where we believe that there is no limit to what you can learn and achieve.
This guyd is designed to help you navigate through life with a diverse set of skills and knowledge, making you a well-rounded individual, set on the firm foundation.
ROMANS 12:11

we desire to hear your stories, testimonies, to answer your questions, and to pray for your requests. So, please, reach out. we will respond as soon as we are able to. please, be patient. we are new to this and we are humans. 😊